Beginner SPS anyone?


New member
A few months ago I decided to try my luck with SPS, and started with the hardy ones such as digitatas and caps. Well, I must say that they have been doing great, but don't want to be optimistic and jump on the more advanced stuff yet. I would like to continue with the hardy ones for now. I've been looking for some lime green digitatas and a green bali slimer if anyone is willing to share a frag in the bay area. I'm not asking it to be free. Please pm if you got some.


We have some micronapthalma (sp?) that we can hook you up with. It is basically a green polyped staghorm of sorts, with a cream/tan body. It is a very hardy coral and a fast grower. :)

Do you ever get up to Pleasant Hill ? We are meeting someone at All About Fish tomorrow mid morning, if you are available to pop up there we can bring a very nice sized frag for you. Just shoot me a PM :)

Here is a picture of the parent colony a couple of months ago. The frag is a little less than half the size of this parent picture now :

Ok, I'm meeting up with a local reefer today at 5pm at Aquarium concepts to buy a frag. I accidently broke off a quarter size orange cap that I would like to sell. If you're interested and will be at Aquarium Concepts today at 5pm, it's yours for $10. First to pm me gets it.
