Best High Calcium Salt


New member
Hi everyone,

I've been battling the calcium and alkalinity in my tank for some time now. I've heard one thing to help this battle is using a salt with a higher calcium concentration in it. So what are the best salts for this? I spent some time last night looking for a chart I've seen comparing synthetic salts but no luck finding it.

I currently use Reef Crystals (I think, its whatever the Reef version of Instant Ocean is) and have no real complaints with it other than my tank constantly sits at 320-350 ppm Calcium and around 4-6 dKH. I do dose Kalkwasser every two to three days but never seems enough to get the calcium or alkalinity up. I do a 10 gallon water change every 10-14 days. I'd be willing to up it to every 7 days to get the calcium up higher, and to dose Kalkwasser every day to every other day. Otherwise, everything in my tank is very happy. Nothing grows much but is always open and happy. I have zoas, frogspawn, torch coral, mushrooms, and a finger leather that doesn't look too happy lately.

Any suggestions on a better salt or a better solution would be appreciated!
I would try Randy's home-made alk/calcium supplements instead of worrying too much about the calcium content in the salt.

I currently use IO and it has worked well for me.
I do not believe Kalkwasser was meant to raise calcium. Rather I believe it is more to sustain a current level in your aquarium. I used Kent turbo calcium to raise mine then kalk to keep it there.
Have you tested your newly made up salt water before it goes in the tank. I'm a little surprised your calcium is that low if you are in fact using reef crystals. That sounds more like IO numbers. Unless you've got a lot of critters consuming calcium, I would check your test kit. Newly mixed RC should yield around 450 calcium at 1.026
Keeping a couple large bags of corrosive chemicals in my small apartment isn't really feasable. :D My fiance might not like it unless he can use it to make firecrackers or something... :rolleyes:

I use whatever the reef version of Instant Ocean is. It's Reef something. I don't think its Reef Crystals. That what I was figuring, that I'm fighting a loosing battle if the salt doesn't start out at 450ppm. Is Reef Crystals a decent salt? What does everyone think about Tropic Marin or Seachem's salts. I have access to both of those at good prices (I do web design for a local aquarium store, but they don't know much about reef stuff, they're big into ponds).

Also wanted to know if anyone doses for trace elements. I understand salt should give you all of the trace elements... is it worth dosing for them too?

Thanks for the help.

Oh, and no I haven't tested the newly made salt but I'm sure the salt is low on calcium because I do test a day after water changes. The tank never goes above 350ppm.
The reason for testing your new batch is to make sure your test kit is reading correctly. You want to make sure you're getting the correct reading.

Salt brands are a matter of preference. Lots of opinions on this subject. I can personally vouge for Reef Crystals, IO and Coralife.
I have heard Tropic Marin and Seachem are fine salts as well but havent tried them yet.
On your other subject, I dont dose any trace elements. I figure they all are kept at bay with regular water changes.

BTW - between the two salts u mentioned that you have good access too I think Seachem is a little higher in Calcium than Tropic Marin if its more calcium you want.

Used TM, TM Pro and back to TM now. I can say with before and after testing the TM Pro has higher CA levels. Would still be using TM Pro but my LFS was only carring the regular version when I needed it last.
Instead of using Dowflake for the homemade calcium, you can buy a smaller container of calcium enhancer for pools. That way you with only have 1 tub of stuff sitting around. Its about the size of shoe box. Much better than a 50 lb bag.