Biggest reef fish?


New member
What is the biggest reef fish that has been accomodated in a domestic aquarium that you know of personally?

No particular reason for this question, just a bit of chit chat...
I've seen a naso and sailfin tang in a 800 gallon 10' long tank get pretty big. Maybe a foot or so and thick as a stuffed wallet.
sohal tang is MASSIVE, batfish get pretty big, Dogfish Orientalis can get to 3 feet. Most Groupers lol there are so many!
I had a Cuban Hogfish that weighed about two pounds in my 180 reef for a few days after a friends tank sprung a leak..
I understand that Goliath groupers have been sold as cute little I matures in the aquarium trade. I have seen them on dives off of Jupiter Fl. They get about the size of mini coopers. Well not quite, but they can go over 1000 lbs. In aquaria, I guess the owner would be forced to pull the plug long before that.