Bio Ball Removal

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Protector of Diver Dan
I'm considering removing the bio balls from my system. I'm looking to eliminate the possibility of any problems in the future or any I have now and just don't know it.

So, when/how should I go about removing them. (Like just remove them all, half wait then rest of them..)

Tank Info:
7 months old
125 Gal/30 gal sump
180 lbs live rock
2-4 inch sand (depth depends on where the critters are digging today)
2 clown fish
2 damsels
1 lemon peel angel
2 starfish
1 pearl bubble coral
numerous snails and hermits

Thanks in advance


I asked the same question on several fourms and almost everyone said, all at once. This is assuming that you have enough LR, and you do. I did it 2 weeks ago and the only water parameter that has changed is my Nitrates have gone down. :) If you search this and other ( Aqualink, Aquari Central( currently down)) forums you should find more info. I say, yank the bio balls asap and let the LR do its job.



Jesus said "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men".
All things considered here I think you could safely remove them all at once, personally I'd do it slowly over a week, but thats just me

I reefed,so I spent,it would have been cheaper to do it right the first time.........Doug@thereeftank
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