black and white maxima


New member
just got a beautiful black and white maxima from marine depot he's about 2 inches will i need to spot feed him,if so with what suuplements,also which end is the mouth the smaller or larger opening. thanks
I feed my clams DT's. Click this for more info on DT's

The larger hole is the mouth of the clam. A good idea is to feed the clams at least 2-3 times per week. If you can, 2 times a day would be great. You can target feed the clam directly or just feed the tank entirely like I do. Good luck with the clam.

BTW, got any pics of the clam???
i use dt's as well and i love it. i have always just fed the tank although with my very small clams i have bowl fed.
Dude Lets see some Pic's!!! Ive been looking for a black clam for a bit. to bowl feed get a bowl big enough to put the clam inside, take some tank water put some DT's in untill the water is a lime green dont over feed. wait till the water turns clear and put him back into the tank.
Once the clams attaches, you can no longer remove the clam to feed it. So you'll have to use a 1 liter clear pop bottle and place it over the clam and shoot a little DTs in there.
Cap it and kill most of the current so the DTs wont be swept out, and the bottle won't tip.
or just put a half shell under him which he can attach to and you still can move him around or put him in the sand
I just got my first clam a few weeks ago (so I'm by no means an expert), but to spot feed I cut a 2L soda in half and then glued a piece of 3/4 inch diameter pvc pipe into the hole where the cap goes. It's a perfect fit, and it's much easier to spot feed the clam, just place the bottle around the clam and pour the phyto in through the pvc.
