Black Clarkii Mate


New member
I've got a recently adopted black clarkii, I really enjoy her. She has no anemone, and I was wondering if I do add one, will it increase or localize her aggression to one area? Also, how would I find a suitable mate for her?

Do you think adding a mate would be too much bioload?
Female Black Clarkii
Mandarin - Eats prepared food
2" male flasher wrasse

I have a 30 gallon tank, with a 15 gallon sump.
yes this will def. increase the aggression(IMO).. i was going to actually pick the exact clarkii you are speaking of but couldnt get there to pick her up.. too far and i work a lot.. i have a 5yr old pair and noticed a big difference in aggression levels with an anemone and without an anemone.. my clarkii now is almost 5 inches and is a big bruiser her mate is about 3.5 inches so they are real big pair.. i would be sure to find a male black clarkii, i know that MO has them from time to time..had one a couple of weeks ago that i was gonna pick up but it was gone when i went back..
Do you think she will be just more aggressive toward him, or other tankmates..?

Does that mean she is most likely wild caught SVXH6? Do they not have captive bred black clarkiis?
Here's a pic.
IME, Female black clarki are pretty rough on their mates, I have a pair and she kicks his butt regularly, nothing too bad.

here is a pic of the pair

i believe most not sure though, i personally have not seen TR black clarkiis but that doesnt mean ther isnt.. the ones from MO are WC.. i would ask him to see if he remembers if was WC which it probably was..def. a nice looking clarkii though..
FWIW< my female clarki is black, male is mostly yellow. When I got these clowns 6 years ago, they were both yellow, and the females color has changed drasticly over the years.

The female is very aggresive and rules the 125 gallon tank they are in. Their enemone is at one end of the tank, and if you place your hand in the other end of the tank, she will swim at you and bite your hand.
I wish I knew what color to look for. I mean, the only thing I know about variation in color is "misbar" but it seems like that's not really a fault?
I come from showing dogs, and would like to get a nice looking male, if she really is a nice looking female... but I'm not sure if I know what to look for.
a juv. black clarkii will be fully black..or at least the ones i have seen have been.. even at a small size they should have the black color just like yours..
It has been my understanding that the only black clowns are ocellaris and saddleback. Those pictured look similar to a pair I purchased that were identified as A. Polymnus.

Am I wrong?
According to this thread, i just have a regular clarkii... or maybe a "partial black clarkii" ?
Cause below the "Clark's clownfish"(<--looks like mine) there is a "black variant" which is totally black and white... and looks pretty sweet.
I wonder if I could even tell the difference between a black/white clownfish and one of those other rare ones that are black and white only.
Could I find an all black and white Clarkii variant to pair her up with? Or would that result in a bunch of neighborhood indiscretion-looking mutated babies?
I need a book on all the different kinds, and patterns... I'm thinking. heh Or maybe a link?
This is my female.


She was orange when I got her 6 years ago. Male is still overall yellow, getting darker towards the top of his back.
Wow, I wonder what color mine used to be.
So they all are born lighter and darken as they grow older... or are some born dark and stay that way?
Yours is beautiful.

I kinda think I would like an all black/white clarkii male like in the thread at the top of the forum. There's so many variations, I mean.. in that "need clownfish pictures" thread that guy posted his black clarkii that doesn't has black on it, but also yellow on the body.
You understand how it's so confusing! :)
My LFS just ordered a juvenile Clarkii for me from ORA. 4 were shipped. 1 (not much larger than an inch) black, and 3 (about an inch and a half) with only a little bit of black on them.
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