Blue Cheek Goby- 1 down


New member
Gutted. This is the only way I can describe how I feel atm.

I purchased a pair of blue cheek gobies on the saturday, by the Friday, one goby was dead.

The retailers post-mortem revealed it had had as stroke.

So thats two members of the family gunned down by a stroke in a week. First my Aunty now the fish :(

This may be a ridiculous question (in fact almost certainly), but does anybody know of anything that can bring on a stroke?

The woman at the shop said it looked slightly thin, though he/she (hadnt had it long enough to see it display) has been eating well. The woman put the 'thinness' down to the fitting... damn I suppose it would take it out of you wouldnt it?!

Any help/ advice/ shoulder to cry on woulkd be greatly appreciated.


TGrogan :bum:
I've never heard of a fish having a stroke,

I've found that sand sifter gobies mainly starve to death
since they eat mainly out of the sand
esp if they are skinny before you get them

How the heck did she determine it died of a stroke?

The fact that they were skinny seems to be a no brainer. They most likely were not getting enough food.
The lady said, and i quote:

"They are living things, so of course they can have a stroke"

The was kinda defensive about her diagnosis given my sceptical face.

Thanks for that guys.
so ill keep an eye open for any skinny fish i might have.....that way in case of a stroke....ill be ready for some cpr....:D ......
I sense some mickey taking on my part lol. I'll repeat that it was the retailer that gave this post-mortem!

It definitley wasnt skinny when I bought it, and wouldnt have starved in space of six days would it?!

Thinking about it, two other pieces of 'evidence' that may be handy are:

i) Whilst dying/ once dead, the fish had a very dark discolouration, making its usually sleek attractive exterior appear 'dirty'.

ii) After the first three days, I noticed that the two gobies never went around with each other, almost as if they fallen out!

Does this help?

As you can imagine I am poaring over my notes (I may in depth and detailed research prior to purchasing any fish on feeding preferences, breeding techniques, compatibility, size etc.) wondering if there is sopmething obvious I overlooked.

Nothing at the moment, so I guess I'll have to keep asking the wizened members of RC!
I had a goby commit suicide once; he repeatedly rammed himself into my Macrodactyla doreensis. By the time I caught him, he had repeated this bizarre spectacle 3 or 4 times and he died shortly after. Weird.
What I've gathered from a number of sources is that Gobies, particulaly the sand sifters, are very unpredictable. They are prone to unearth any foul water chemistry in the substrate and are oftenm die of things that wont ever effect the rest of the livestock.

I feel liek an idiot. I do so much research, condensed to about 10-11 pages per species of fish/ coral, covering everything i thought i need to knwo.

In future, i'll inlude a part where i can call apon other people experiences with the fish, so I can apply common sense to the knowledge...

How many people out there do serious research ahead of purchasing? Serious meaning pages and pages of condensed notes...
I know that the blue cheek is supposed to be one of the more difficult fish because of the fact that most people can't seem to get them to eat prepared foods. If this was the case with yours, then I think you know what did him in.