Blue Dot ray


In Memoriam
Ant tricks toget thses guys to eat he is ina Q.T tank but I would like for hi to be eating before I move him over also he apperas to be very healthy hides under the sand and shows normal behaviors
I once saw a LFS feeding live sandcrabs to their brown stingrays. It might be worth a try, but they will not be here in california until summer :(
Go to the Large Tanks forum and look up the member named Energy. He has a 1700 gallon reef tank with a blue-spotted ray, and he has had it for over a year. Target feeds it specific foods.
It can take up to 10 days for them to start eating, I would try force feeding him if he doesnt eat by the 10th day. I know thats how i got my blue dot to eat. then he would eat anything that i put in there