blue tangs at makeman...


Premium Member
I was in there today, they have 4 small (2-3") blue tangs. They are in the tank on the bottom right. All 4 looked to be in really nice shape! Swimming...doing usual tang stuff!

I know tangs have been a rare thing in the Okinawa fish stores so I thought I would post it up! they are 5000y a peice. Not a bad deal.

I would however recommend quarantee'n one if you get one for a few months. I had one that small....little guy couldn't take the flow in the tank and it pretty much blew him around and he died. Put it in a tank with low flow and some LR...maybe a LR bucket (with cured rock)or something...guarantee it will be the cleanest rock you will have!

I love my tang. Awsome fish and hes got a ton of charactor!

(the fish lady has a whole school of them now, she won't sell any :mad2: )
My blue tang is the biggest coward on the planet. He was about 2.5 inches when I got him, about 3.5 inches now and he hides when I step in front of the tank, though he will sneak out to steal food from the open brains when I am feeding the corals. I have pretty heavy flow in my tank, but he seems ok with that. He doesn't clean rocks though. In fact, despite all claims that I have heard that tangs are VEGETARIAN, mine prefers mysis shrimp and clams...

I figured they were common fish in Okinawa though, since they were listed as local fish in all the fishing guides I saw down there during the holidays. I paid 1500 yen for mine at a cheap LFS. This LFS tends to have somewhat sickly fish (thus really cheap), but my tang recovered from all its early bouts of ich pretty quickly.

Now if only I could find a goby that doesn't jump out everytime my cleaning lady cleans the tank lids. I've already lost 2 this way.
for some reason in the past few months, tangs have been really difficult to come across. mine might have been a bad one from the get-go, who knows. As for what he eats, he keeps my tank absoutly SPOTLESS and still eats about anything I put in the tank. I love that fish........
Mine is just so simple minded. It goes to sleep as soon as the lights are out, no exception, and wakes up later than all of the other fish after enough sun comes into the room to make it seem like day.

Cute fish though. I hope he doesn't grow too much though. They're so cute and circular when they're young.

Vest, what do you have covering your tank? I have some acrylic sheets serving as a lid, but these get salt scum on them pretty quickly, meaning they have to be cleaned often.
they also have a hawaiian tang at Petbox, and in really good shape oddly enough..

I agree tangs are great, my Sailfin Tang eats out of my hand.