break acrylic??


New member
if i bought a 20gallon acryllic could i put a mantis in it? they are awesome looking, but still remains one problem, he could seriously scratch it up really bad, is there any solution for keeping mantis shrimp at all? :bum:
As the former WI ClarityPlus distributor I've had extensive experience with Acrylic aquariums.

Your 20 acrylic would be a great place for a mantis. As far as it scratching the Acrylic, it won't happen.
A large O. scyllarus can't break an acrylic tank and it won't scratch it, but it can dent it. We have lots of acrylic tanks and occasionally animals will try to dig through a corner or strike at one another. This can leave tiny dings that after time can cloud the surface. I can't imagine that this would be a problem with a home aquarium, but in my lab, it is a problem I have come to live with.
