breeding Pseudosquilla ciliata, is it possible for the common reefer?


New member
I was wondering if it is possible for Pseudosquilla ciliata to be bred in captivity. I would like to get this mantis to breed (even if it is a hard task) and I understand that it may be hard to keep the larve also. I chose to ask about Pseudosquilla ciliata because 1. I have one already and 2. I read that the female is actually more agressive sexually so I figured that I might be ok with letting them do their business then seperating them. Also, just for common knowledge, how can you sex a Pseudosquilla ciliata?

lol...well, I just found out that the larvae of Pseudosquilla ciliata are also almost impossible to keep and has never been done. DANG, all in vain I tell you, ALL in vain. Well, at least its still cool to watch it eat.:D
Pseudosquilla ciliata is one species that copulates readily in the lab and will occasionally lay eggs, but larvae have never been reared to settlement. The larvae of this species remain in the plankton for months and get quite large before they settle.

If you want to try to rear stomatopods, the best species to try would be a gonodactylid such as G. smithii or N. wennerae. They remain in the plankton only about a month.

theres a ton of problems with that site but I'll just go into the rearing part:
1) "To avoid physical damage, our larvae are reared in 20 liter round PVC rearing chambers 30 cm in diameter with 150 micron mesh windows on the sides and bottoms to retain larvae and their food in a calm environment. Up to four of these rearing chambers are placed inside a well aerated 400 liter circular fiberglass tank with an external biofilter. An entire clutch is reared together at relatively high densities (40-60 larvae/liter). "
mantis shrimp are canabalistic..... can't be kept together even as babies

2) "From the first day of hatching to six days posthatch larval shrimp are fed newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii less than 6 hours old. "
they need plankton.... they are planktonic (ok, ok, so I can't spell) they are WAY too little for brine shrimp I do believe, if I'm wrong, someone else can jump in on me!!!