Brown Jelly Disease


New member
Well I lost a Blue Cali Tort to this last night. So far nothing else is showing signs of it, but I'll be keeping a close eye on everything for the next couple weeks. I know chloramphenicol or Metronidazole are known to help treat it, will ciprofloxacin work as well?
As with WS, the use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as chloramphenicol (, only available in USA) and metronidazole is commonly cited. Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, Iodine and freshwater dips (15 ppt) have all been used. Low salinity should only be used for large polyp species, smaller polyp species such as Acropora do not tolerate low salinity well particularly when they are already stressed by disease. Removing infected areas of a colony well ahead of the line of healthy tissue can sometimes stop the infection from spreading but great care should be taken to siphon off loose tissue first and avoid spreading infected material around the tank. Isolation of any samples showing this disease have also been reported to sometimes stop the spread to other corals.

Have you tried an Iodine dip? (Lugol's)
I wouldn't dose the DT with antibiotics. Do you have a cycled QT tank for treatment?