bubble algae

you got it

you got it

emerald crabs work like a champ you'll be able to kiss that valonia goodbye in no time. I had a heavily infested 270gallon in my care just add 5 emerald crabs wait 2 weeks and wallah.
I have them, and there more interested in picking off every thing else then that,oh granted they do nibble on it but it seems like they go more after my hair algae,and pick out things out of the rocks?
that is good.

that is good.

Hair algae is bad and once it is gone the will eat whatever is left just like humans in the matrix and then they will die off once every last bit is gone. just get more.
I have a couple of sally lightfoots that love it. Everywhere last week gone this week. I did have emralds too but they went to work on my ricordia. I had to move them (the ricordia) to another tank. They were easier to catch.
