bubble anemone

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New member
I gave some of my old bulbs to a buddy so he could set up an FO for his girlfriend. He was going to give me one of his bubble anemones for it. This anemone has been living in his tank for almost two years and has divided once so far.
The tank it'll be going into is a 30 reef with 120 watts NO flor. lighting (2x 10000k and 2x acinic 03). It would be living in this light until January or so, and then it would be getting VHO. Since these are supposedly low-light anemones, would this be doable?
Tank Parameters:
Temp 79
pH 8.2
nh,no2,no3 0
alk 3.0
ca 400

They are not low light anemones. They are just the anemone that people have had the most luck with. I would get MH instead of the VHO and continue to use the NO's with the MH. And don't forget to feed the anemone. I still don't recomend anyone, but the most advanced aquarists try to keep anemones, for experimental purposes, because the survival rate is extremely poor. But if you're set on trying, at least give it the best opportunity to thrive as you can.


I have 700W (5X 140W) of VHO over my 100G. My Entacmea Quadricolor moved to a spot on the bottom between two rocks with overhanging rock above. It seems to regulate light exposure by pulling back or hanging out more - but mostly it stays back with just tentacles sticking into the light.

It's about doubled in size since I got it and seems healthy.

As far as feeding, it seems to always be "hungry" - so I've been feeding it almost every other day. Any other experience with feeding these guys?


Your anemone is exhibiting it's natural behaviour by planting it's foot under an overhang and reaching out into the light. That's a good sign. And keep feeding it the way you are. Mine does the exact same thing. BTW, I didn't buy mine. It was in the tank when I bought the whole thing used. I would not buy one.


I was planning on doing either 4 95 watt vho's or two 95 watt's and two 30 watt No's on the tank. This really would not be anough light on such a shallow tank?
The anemone is doing quite well where it is, and if it really would not do well in there, I will leave it where it is... (in the friend's 72 gallon bow with 2 175 watt metal halides...)
Thanks guys

I just have a hard time recomending someone keep an animal that has such a dismal survival rate in aquariums that's all. MH is better, but in a short tank like the 30, it might be o.k., but make sure you feed it 2-3 times a week.


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