buffing acrylic


Premium Member
I just bought an acrylic aquarium and it has scratches... all small nothing deep. I was told that they would buff out??? How and what is used to do it?
You can try Novus scratch removal kits and if that doesn't work you can try Pentair Scratch removal which will include different grades of fine sand paper.
I wouldn't use sandpaper unless the scratches are really deep. If they don't catch your fingernail you can use any number of plastic/acrylic polishes including Novus, Meguiar's, Zaino, or any of the other quality plastic cleaners/polishes. Always start out using the least abrasive polish and work your way up if won't completely remove the scratches. Also use a good quality microfiber or 100% cotton towel to apply and remove.

Edited to add: 3M and Plexus also make very good plastic/acrylic polishes and scratch removers, and most all the brands are available online at car detailing places.
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