camera questions


Awesome Member
Figured everyone here might be able to help me with some camera choices. I have been looking at two in perticular, the figi f 10 and the Canon A620. I want them for my reef pics of course, but also for family and landscapes. I am open to any other suggestions and not really worried about price right now, though I would prefere to stay under $600 since I'm not a professional photographer by any means. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Between those two models I'd vote for the 620 because it has more manual controls (Fuji has no aperture or shutter speed priority) and it has better macro performance. The Fuji will give you great colors though- they're known for that.
For landscapes you want to get a camera that has a wide lens- both of those lenses (620 and f10) are ok but not great in that department (34 and 35mm respectively).