can cyanobacteria be transferred?

I have found that a treatment with erythromycin has long lasting effects and that the cyano does not return after the treatment. I don't know what is happening but I suspect it does something akin to "œchanging how my system processed organic" like reefgeezer argues.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic, cyanobacteria is a bacteria (probably didnt need to write this lol). So you just kill it with an antibiotic. Personally, I am not a fan of using antibiotics in display tanks. You basically wipe your bacteria population while doing so.
here are answers/parameters to show you where I am.
As well as a few pictures.

Phosphates - 0 (Hahna checker)
Calcium - 350 (Salifert)
Alkalinity - 8.7 (Salifert)
Magnesium - 1380 (Salifert)
pH - 8.0-8.1 (Salifert)
Nitrates - less than 5 (Salifert)
Temperature - 79 degrees

All test kits are fairly new, none expired

Here are some pictures:

Water changes while vacuuming out the Cyano, skimming very wet, and using a lot of GAC are the nonchemical way to attack Cyano. The goal is to reduce dissolved organics. I did this but added Chemiclean to the mix when I was having an issue with a different form of Cyano. The red slime form is usually pretty easy to beat.

FYI... I didn't notice any issues with bacteria involved in the nitrifying/denitrfying process when using Chemiclean. I used slightly less than recommended and followed the directions.