Can fish have behavioral problems?


New member
Hi everyone. I'm new to Reef Central and fairly new to the hobby. I have a 220 gallon fish only marine tank in my office that has been set up and serviced by a local company here. It's been running for a little over a year now. After some major disease and treatment disasters resulting in the loss of numerous fish I have recently decided to involve myself in some personal research to see if I can keep the body count down in the future.
I originally posted some questions in the General Interest Forum under New to the Hobby with the same subject. Received some helpful suggestions including one to ask questions here. You can look for more details there regarding my fish and tank or I can retype them in this forum. (Sorry, not real computer savvy so I don't know if its possible to link the two threads...)


1.) I have a very itchy Emperor Angel who otherwise seems fine other than his addiction to my cleaner shrimps. Should I be worried? Could this simply be behavioral? He does occasionally hemmorhage into his tail and left pectoral fin which I think is a result of the cleaner shrimp.

2.) I have a Regal Blue Tang who seems to have small white spots to his body. I think this may represent Marine Ich. He's been like this for a couple of months with no change to his feeding, color, behavior nor number of spots. Could this be something else? Again, do I have to worry? (There has been no change with treatment, so on the advice of the previous forum I've discontinued meds.)

3.) Finally, the majority of suggestions I received in the previous forum involved downsizing my tank population which is apparently too full. Is there a problem with the number of fish I have? Tank parameters have remained normal and the other fish seem fine to me. (As far as I can tell...)

If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.
i had a 7" or so emperor angel, he loved my cleaner shrimp. i couldn't really tell if he had ich because there wasn't any spots on him. he would itch himself couple times a day. some fish just contract ich more than other. i know blue tangs and emperors are very prone to it. what other fish do you have in your tank? how big is the emperor? do you have pics?
Hi emperior911. Thanks for the reply. Sorry, no pics. (Guess I'll have to look into that later...)

Fish population:
-Zebra Moray
-Bannerfish x 2
-Golden Butterfly
-Yellow Wrasse (?Coris)
-Fairy Wrasse
-Cleaner Wrasse
-Dragon Goby
-Black Velvet Angel
-Coral Beauty
-Flame Angel
-pair of Percula Clowns
-Royal Dottyback (Bicolored Pseudochromis)

My emperor is about six inches long.
a 220 is a large tank and i would not say you are over stocked. it seems to me that the fish you have in there are all small fish, besides the blue tang and the emperor angel. the only advise i would give, is to feed the fish with garlic added. you can go to the fishstore and buy some Kent Marine's Garlic Xtreme. it should be about $15 and it is said to help drastically to kill ick.
i would say just feed as much as you can and try to boost there immune system. i've heard garlic helps. hows the color of the emperor? any HLLE? my emperor started to get some small pin holes on his head. I tried to find a better home for him so he can heal.
First you should make sure that your quaratine all your fish before they're placed into your tank. This can be a problem when you use a service and they're suppling you with the fish. If you can get the Emperor and Hippo tang out of the tank place them in a quaratine tank and treat them for ich. Hippo tangs are ich magnets so this can be a problem going forward.

The tank doesn't seem over stock but you do have 3 pygmy angels which could be a problem among them. But if your having problem problems with fish dying and coming down with disease you may want to cut back on some of the fish and not add anymore until the tank seems to be running well.

Finally what are you water reading and what equipment are you using. A UV and a skimmer would help with some of the diseases and water problems.
I knew he'd get better help down here

and heres the original thread:

the emperor has HLLE, lived through ich and velvet

the tang has the white dots: but who knows WHAT they are???

the only advise I could come up with is reduce the angel population: not from overstocking, but because theres 3 dwarf angels, and one big angel with HLLE... thats why I sent him down here.. I'm stumped!!!
Thanks everyone. If you've time to check the original thread then you'll get my water parameters and tank details etc.

FYI: I usually feed garlic with their daily frozen food regime. They are also getting Nori, pellets and flake food (all marine). Already have a UV and skimmer. The fish don't fight as far as I can tell and everyone looks good and continues to eat well. Unfortunately this is an office tank so I really don't have space for a quarantine tank. (I might consider more marine tanks at home if I feel competent with the office tank.)

Again, thanks to everyone.