Can I keep a clam happy?


New member
I keep looking at these maxima clams, and I want one, but not if I cant keep it happy, and I have the feeling my settup is right on the edge of happy/not happy. I have a 30 Gallon reef tank with a 20 gallon sump/reffugium. I have a water deapth of 12-13 inches in the tank, and it is lit by 2X96W PC's My water peramiters are good, but I would want to let my tank age atleast another few months before putting a clam in it, but I wanted to collect info in the mean time. If my lighting is right on the verge, can I make up for it with feeding? let me know your opinions.
Maximas and croceas would waste away under that light :( Try a Squamosa or a Derasa, but be forewarned that they will eventually need a bigger tank.

If you really want a maxima or crocea, save up your money for a cheap used MH pendant or retro kit.
here is an idea, let me know what this would cost me. What if I were to rip apart my light that I have, and take the bulbs, ballasts, switches ect, and then buy a retro fit MH kit, and build them into a new DIY fixture? Then all I would need would be the MH retrofit kit, what could I get that for? and how much power would I need? and If I still have the 2X96W PC's should I change them both to blue lights? Im not in any hurry to do this, but am currious what would be necicary and what it would cost me.
Here's what I did. I have a 15 gallon with a 15g sump. I had 2x55 PCs. I picked up a used 175watt MH pendant for $100. I then built a crappy DIY fixture to hold one of the 55 watt PCs and put in an actinic bulb. Total cost for me was about $140 for everything, and I bet I could sell my spare PC kit too to make up for some of the cost.

If I were you, I'd just get a 150watt HQI pendant (or better yet a 250 - nominal price difference) with a 10k bulb. There would be no need for actinic with one of those. Then you could sell your PC fixture to make up some of the cost. You could keep some sweet clams and SPS under that light.
Best of luck
I guess this is turning into more of a lighting thing than a clam thing, but anyway... I kind of like my blue light, it makes some of my green softies glow when only the blue is on, so I dont really want to get rid of the PC's all together. I was also thinking, if I upgrade the light to add in MH am I going to fry the softies that I have in there now? Is it possible to keep all these guys under the same kind of light? If I were to get say a 175W 10,000K MH retrofit kit, and put that in a hood with my 2X96W PC's would that work or would I fry my softies?
Your softies would be fine if you acclimate them to the more intense light. I've seen softies right under 400 watt bulbs.
ok, well if I find a great deal on the MH's perhaps Ill take the plunge and then I can get that clam I want. Thanks for the advide.
LR Didn't you JUST set up your tank recently?
Clams need an established system or they will die.
Patience is a virtue in reefkeeping.
I set up the tank around september, and I was planing on waiting atleast another few months before doing anything like this, I just wanted to know what would be involved.