Can I keep a squamosa????


New member
Hi all,
I have an eclipse 15g tall with a custom built hood that holds 1 20,000k 15w no, 1 36w pc retro, 1 40w actinic white vho, and 1 40w super actinic (blue) vho which give me a total of 131 watts. Please tell me this is enough to keep a squamosa healthy and happy.

P.S. I've enjoyed reading all your stories, ecspecially the one about super glueing the derasa back together. I live in Austin too, maybe I can come see it some time in person.
I forgot to list that the 36w pc light is half white half blue. I don't know if this matters but a little more information for you can't hurt right?

Yeah it is too small... If I got a really small one how long do you think it would take for the clam to outgrow the tank?? I'm planning on getting a much larger tank in a few years and I could move it to that one.
I think a really small one would just starve in a tank that small. The small ones require a lot of phytoplankton to eat until they grow enough mantle to support them via zoox.
kryptonite said:
Yeah I already feed DT's to my orange knobby star and my green star polyps, can't I just up the portions?

Neither of which can eat suspended phyto... but that's another matter.

I suppose if you had a constant drip of DT's you could effectively feed a small clam. Seems to me that could actually work. These guys will need a lot of phyto. In a larger tank the phyto would be very diluted and it would take all day for the clam to pull it out of suspension. In a small tank you would have to add if a little at a time many times a day to avoid fouling the water.

I've never tried this (obviously) so the above is just an opinion of what I think would happen.

Thanks for the replies guy. I didn't know the phyto would foul the water. Thanks for telling me that. How should I feed the starfish and the polyps? One other question. My starfish is only about 3 inches in diameter. Will a small orange knobby star like that eat a clam???


PS. How do you get these little faces to go where you want them?? I click on one and it gives me this stuff :). I could do that myself.
kryptonite said:
How should I feed the starfish and the polyps? One other question. My starfish is only about 3 inches in diameter. Will a small orange knobby star like that eat a clam???

WOW I can't believe I missed that. I was just going to recommend you feed the star clam meat.... :rolleyes: They are carnivores. Sorry I missed that...

The GSP are fine with normal tank water, moderate current and lots-o-light. Just like what you have. Are you getting a lot of small dusters? I would think dosing DTs in a small tank you would get an explosion of feather duster worms. :) Personally, I think they're very cool.

Good luck,

HEHE that's funny about the starfish... I just thought about that too! I guess I could get the clam meat at the lfs?? Would I just put it under his mouth or just let it sit in the tank and wait for him to find it?? Oh well, anyways I do have a large amt of feather dusters growing on my glass. I didn't know that was why. Thanks for letting me know. They look kinda cool! They are very tiny though.

Thanks again
I'd suggest live littleneck clams from the grocery store. That's what I use for my Mantis. I know you'll get a strange look (just like I do) when you ask for 1 clam but that's the best way. If you acclimate the clams slowly they'll live for quite a while until you're ready to open them for you star. I'd suggest just opening one up and set it next to the star. Remove everything the star doesn't eat after it moves off the shell.

I use the shells to propagate coral. Nothing is wasted.
The amount of food depends on the size. Start with one a week and take it from there. Yes, opening a Littleneck clam kills it.