Can Mushrooms touch clams?


I have some clams, and some mushrooms on a adjoing rock are barely touching its mantle. Will this affect the clam at all??
More than likely the clam will start closing up more where they are touching and end up being pretty unhappy. Mushrooms can pack a powerful punch and should be kept away from your clam or corals for that matter.
if you want your clam to be happy i would try to avoid it coming in contact with other coral that may irritate it.
i have plenty of blue mushrooms and some yellow tonga ricordia touching my clams with no problems. i recently hacked a few back since they were completely draped over the mantle and shading them too much (>50%). each mushroom/clam/tank is different so you have to just look and watch. the same blue mushrooms slightly irritate everything else in my tank, and the ricordia absolutely devistates anything else it touches (it even actively streches towards any nearby LPS).
I lost a big beautiful blue T. crocea to hairy green mushrooms. They irritated the clams mantle- causing the clam to close. Although I 'shaved' the shrooms from the clam's shell several times, they finally won the battle and smothered the clam.:(
this is after hacking out several blues that were shading them too much. i'm not trying to say you won't have problems, just that you might not have problems. you just gotta watch and see.

no problem here

no problem here

mine has mushrooms on it with no problem for years. It has blue, green watermellon striped, and red.
Clams are pretty tough when it comes to stings from Cnidarians. In general, soft and stony corals cause no hassles, true anemones can sting clams and zoanthids and shrooms vary from harmless to lethal. In general, I think the smooth shrooms (Discosoma/Actinodiscus) are ok but some of the "fuzzy" shrroms can be troublesome.
i agree with above

i agree with above

You know, I had not thought about it that much, but that seems to be the case smooth shrooms no problem fuzzies make trouble with thier stronger sting. I can't stop my shrooms from stinging the begeesis out of some of my sps. I can't kill them or cut them back enough. Whatever I do leads to more. They are undestructable. Even with injections
You guys have been most helpful, I am going to move the mushroom rock somewhere else to avoid possible problems. Currently the clam doesnt seem to mind but why take a chance. Those mushroom in that part of my tank are smooth and not hairy.


My big Maxima and large fuzzy shroom share the same space. Shroom touches clam most of the day, no problem.