Can Ricordia capture and eat a Nassarius Snail?

Bud's Reef

New member
Ok, so I know it can capture one, but would it really be able to eat it? I'm not sure how it got hold of the snail, but it appears to think it can eat it. Could it really do that? Would it hurt it? I was tempted to let it go, but was afraid of what might happen to the Ric so I took it away from it.
I have seen a ric try to capture a hermit crab once, totally guess is no way, rics are incapable of catching anything alive that are larger than a pod in my opinion
The Nassarius in the picture that is firmly in the clutches of the Ric was very much alive. He kept extending his body way out to turn himself over, but when ever he touched the Ric he pulled back in. After I pulled it off, the mouth of the Ric was open quite a bit and apparently had been in the process of pulling the Nassarius into it. The Nasarius died shortly after I removed it so I'm guessing it was getting stung by the Ric each time it tried to turn itself over.