Can today get any worse!


New member
Besides power outages all night "Thank god for generators"! and being soaked to death in the rain this after noon.
I was making water up for a water change I have a 35 gallon garbage bin with wheels
I had 30 gallons of new saltwater in the bin as I always do and by some chance my cat decides she wants to go swimming........ I swear I cant Imagine what 100 gallons would look like after seeing 30 gallons flood my house! Unreal!!!!
So after cleaning up the mess and giving the cat a bath.... I thought I'd share what a wonderful day/night this has been lol
Oh no! Sounds like quite the day. I'm happy the cat is ok though. Those storms were really bad here from about 8-1.
haha yeah it was. Yeah the cat is ok but don't know about my tile floor lol
Here I am trying to unplug power head that's vibrating on the floor and the heater,while standing in a half inch of water While my husbands screaming get some towels,Cats slipping and sliding on the floor scared to death "looking like a drowned rat" my other 5 cats came in to see what the hells going on, they are now trying to run as soon as they realized they were standing in water,slipping lol
Yeah it was a sight to see!
All joking aside though we're really lucky that It didn't start the house on fire, all that electrical,water not good!
Hope tomorrow is a better day lol
I agree. I'm happy that nothing major happened. Make sure that the floor is really dry even underneath everything. You don't want to come up with mold and rotting wood in a year. I honestly could not help but laugh at the continuation of the story. Cats are hysterical wet. They pretty much give a look like, "Go to Hell". Tomorrow should be. Stay cool it is supposed to be a hot one.
I hear ya, Thanks. I'm going to check the basement today and see if it seeped through the wood.
Today I'm going out and buying a brute can or something without wheels I think this added to it tipping over "The fact that I filled it more than I should have and it was bowing a little and I didn't have the wheels against the wall like I usually do for support". The cat didn't help the situation.
Yeah I guess I can laugh about it now but wow makes ya wonder what would happen if one of our tanks sprung a leak ya know.
Thanks I hope so. I'm sick of the rain already it's like we've skipped summer.