Cassiopeia jellyfish


New member
I was visiting Georgia when I came across a fish store displaying a 2.5g cassiopeia jellfish tank. According to them, it only requires light for food. On doing a little more research I think that DT's would help if not are needed along with roti's. I would like to setup a similar setup, but am still very unsure of its needs and setup requirements. Here's a link to where I may purchase it from.
i've had a C. xamachana for about 6 mo. now.
while it's true they're photosynthetic,they do
need food.i feed mine blenderfied(:rolleyes:)
seafood juice.they need high light,low current,
with no siphon intakes to get sucked into.
an established DSB is helpful too.while not
the most exciting critter too watch,they're cool
regardless.i wouldn't recommend them for a reef
tank.mines in his own little nano.