Chaetomorpha growth pattern

Randy Holmes-Farley

Reef Chemist
Premium Member
Does anyone know if Chaetomorpha grows from the tips, all along the length, or both? Or maybe only from selected spots along it's length?

That is a very good question. Mine also grows into a ball shape. Seems to be growing away from light in a way. Some closeup time lapsed photos might show growth tips and answer your question.

If you can't find someone to do a trade with I'd suggest checking out Inland Aquatics, pretty sure Morgan's culturing it.

Chaetomorpha grows 'throughout' the length of any given filament, but moreso at the ends.

(FWIW time-lapse photography would be of limited use unless you could isolate a single filament and dye it at regular intervals to distinguish between tip-growth and mid-length growth.)

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