changing system set up, slightly

Currently, I have a 130g reef tank, with a 30g sump. I have a mixed reef along with reef safe fish.

I am flirting with the idea of dumming it down a tad, and going with FOWLR. If I do this, what changes would need to be made? I realize I'd be parting ways with my coral. But I am not getting rid of any of my equipment that I currently have. If I'm thinking right, the dosing is the only thing I wouldn't need to keep up with, right?

What would I need to maintain/change due to the rock that is currently in the tank/sump?

This is only a temporary thing, till I move in to a new place. I'm not up for shutting the system down completely, just minimizing what I can.

Is there really any benefit to doing this at all?
You are correct, dosing would not be necessary.
You could also turn down the lighting if it's LED.
Nothing else would need change.
You could essentially turn off the lights, stop all dosing, stop all water changes and just let the tank sit with nothing but freshwater top offs..

Fish can live in a dark/dirty tank for quite a while..
Negatives being that your nutrient levels could/would spike and the only thing there that is a potential issue is phosphates bound in the rock would take a bit of time/work to recover from..
All water/sand should be/would be replaced in the move so nitrates and the "sludge" that accumulates in the sand isn't a problem really..

You really don't seem to have much of a bioload anyways based on that fish list so its easy to just stop it all and let it ride..
mcgyvr - although that sounds wonderful, I don't think I could let that happen. I've been in the habit of water changes, dosing, maintaining for the past 4 years or so, I wouldn't know how to just stop :spin2:

That's crazy to think I could falter on all that, and it would be alright for awhile.

Certainly something to think about. Everything is running well, but I certainly see a move in homes in the near future. When I do start the reef back up, I hope to be in a little smaller tank, with more of a square foot print. But I will cross that bridge when I get there.

thanks for the info...
I would not go that extreme at Mcgyvr suggested but after get rid of your corals light can be just to view your fish, water change can now once a month and no more daily dose