Changing the KELVIN! HELP


New member
Will it be bad for my corals if i change my 14000k to 6500k? Im still a newbie to this hobby and ive heard somewhere that a change in lighting can cause some kind of problems for the corals. I want to change the 14000k to the 6500k for growth purposes and then after i have achieved a good growth size, i will change the bulbs again to keep my 14000k blue color look. Will that be a problem? i just dont want to kill my corals or cause them stress. Can you guys help me out?

i have a 30 gallon tall 24Hx24Lx13D
1- 175 watt Hamilton Metal Halide
1-20 watt Blue actinic flourescent bulb
How deep is your tank?

Going from 14kK to 6500K may result in FASTER coral growth;
since 6500K more approximates sunlight.
Keep in mind that the 6500K does not penetrate into deeper water as well as the higher (bluish) spectrum; but the typical height of a home aquarium is neglegible.

Me, personally, I hate the yellowish of the 6500K and prefer the 10kK or 14kK..
In general, you really don't want to introduce sudden changes so often. Each time you change to a different spectrum, the corals have to re-acclimate. The same is true when you are putting in a brand new bulb.

Whatever spectrum you decide, stick with it...
I'm not really sure it would be bad for your corals. Why change your bulb, is there any proof that 6500k bulb grows coral faster than 10, 14, or 20. Why sacrifice the color, your corals will still grow just as fast. A 14k bulb is still daylight just with more blue spectrum.