cinnamon polyps not doing well


New member
I have some cinnamon polyps that were doing very well for months. They went from 2 to 3 to 5 to 6. About 2 weeks ago 2 of them closed and disappeared. Now another one is starting to shrivel. They are on a small rock and all 3 reached out towards the sand. Do they dislike the sand that much or should I be looking at another issue? Any suggestions?
Sand is not the issue. I have a clump of those in my 55, they were in the sand for months. Daily they would get half-buried by my very industrious Diamond Goby. Finally, I picked them up and put them on top of a rock. They are doing better on the rock, but they survived and grew in the sand. Try feeding them some mysis, they should close up around them and consume them.