Clam attached to rock.


New member
Hi friends, a friend have this Crocea clam attached to a rock and he want to reposition her because her was up side down to the sand and not to the lights. The question is can he do that without hurt her or leave her alone. Thanks in advance.
Do not try to remove the clam from the rock. Instead, just turn the rock around so that the clam faces upwards towards the light.
Thanks rmendis but why my friend cant do that. IMO, I thought that this beutiful animals when are wild caught they are attached to rock too. Any one with this same experience.
If you try to remove a clam from a rock that it is attached to there is too high of a chance of damaging the byssal gland. If the byssal gland is damaged it won't recover and the clam will most likely die. When a clam is attached to a rock in the wild they are usually harvested by chiseling out a piece of the rock that the clam is attached to.