Clam Hitchhikers - Leave or Remove?


Premium Member
I have a couple of these black, clam-like hitchhikers on a piece of Kaelini LR. They don't smell bad and they are firmly attached, so I think they are alive. Should I leave them or is it better to remove them? I don't know if they can survive in an aquarium or not.


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That looks like what i had a few years ago. It did pretty good for a few years. I wouldn't worry about it to much...its a filter feeder.
I adjusted the rock that the clam was attached to, in order to take the photo above. This morning, I noticed the same clam has moved to a completely different rock! I assume to position itself better among the water flow.

I guess I'll leave them in for now. I just hope it doesn't die off without me realizing it.