Clam in a 20 gallon?


New member
Yes I am interested in putting a photosynthetic tridacnid clam in my 20 gallon nano reef(I would really like a T. Crocea). This will be the first clam I have purchased and I am curious if my set up is adequate for long term survival. Or until it outgrows this tank.
-20 gallon tall aga tank
-Eco system 40 for filtration + 20lbs of quality live rock
-It has been established since July of 2002
-Lighting consists of 1 150 watt hqi 10000 k bulb
-circulation is povided by an open loop through the eco w/a rio pump rated at 200 gph and 1 maxijet1200 powerhead

Tank animals include Tank Paremeters
-1 false percula clown Salinaty = 1.024
-Star polyps P.H. 8.4
-Discoma Mushrooms Amonia 0
-Ricordia Mushrooms Nitrite 0
-Rodactas Mushrooms Nitrate .5
-Palypothoa Polyps Alk 9.8
-Various unidentified soft corals Cal 420
All tests done with Salifret

So what do you think?
Sounds good to me!

Sounds good to me!

It looks like you are ready for your new clam. My only suggestions are that you take the time to read through this forum, get a book or two (Knopp) and buy a clam larger than 2" in size from a good LFS or online supplier. A larger than 2" clam will be less phytoplankton dependant and will get most of its nutrients from your lighting. Also if you are not already dosing with D.T.'s or a similar phyto I would start according to the directions. Your whole tank will benefit from this also. Good Luck!!!