Yes I am interested in putting a photosynthetic tridacnid clam in my 20 gallon nano reef(I would really like a T. Crocea). This will be the first clam I have purchased and I am curious if my set up is adequate for long term survival. Or until it outgrows this tank.
-20 gallon tall aga tank
-Eco system 40 for filtration + 20lbs of quality live rock
-It has been established since July of 2002
-Lighting consists of 1 150 watt hqi 10000 k bulb
-circulation is povided by an open loop through the eco w/a rio pump rated at 200 gph and 1 maxijet1200 powerhead
Tank animals include Tank Paremeters
-1 false percula clown Salinaty = 1.024
-Star polyps P.H. 8.4
-Discoma Mushrooms Amonia 0
-Ricordia Mushrooms Nitrite 0
-Rodactas Mushrooms Nitrate .5
-Palypothoa Polyps Alk 9.8
-Various unidentified soft corals Cal 420
All tests done with Salifret
So what do you think?
-20 gallon tall aga tank
-Eco system 40 for filtration + 20lbs of quality live rock
-It has been established since July of 2002
-Lighting consists of 1 150 watt hqi 10000 k bulb
-circulation is povided by an open loop through the eco w/a rio pump rated at 200 gph and 1 maxijet1200 powerhead
Tank animals include Tank Paremeters
-1 false percula clown Salinaty = 1.024
-Star polyps P.H. 8.4
-Discoma Mushrooms Amonia 0
-Ricordia Mushrooms Nitrite 0
-Rodactas Mushrooms Nitrate .5
-Palypothoa Polyps Alk 9.8
-Various unidentified soft corals Cal 420
All tests done with Salifret
So what do you think?