"Clam island"

Zack S

New member
I have seen some people here who have like clam islands and seem to place them on the sand togther and such. Will it hurt the clams if I place my croceas/maxamas on the sand?
I keep my croceas/maximas/derasa on the sand all together, all touch one way or the other...never had a problem. I do keep small rocks under them in the sandbed in hopes of them attaching but I here that attachment is more to protect their byssal valves from predation.
close up

close up

tank is a 26 gallon Bow so pics are not too good, but I have a new camera on the way!

Picture isn't really impressive and not quite an island. i got a lot of aquascaping to do yet.
ive got alot of clams and about 15 of them are on the sand bed all of which are touching each other. the only thing that seems to make them mad is the anemone
Yep, I have a clam island of my own.. They are really neat looking.. However I still to this day admire this one tank I saw here on RC ( I WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!! lost the thread hehe) where he had all these maximas on the rockwork, spread all around.. It was beautiful.. The tank itself was beautiful... I think keeping them on the rocks is really the nicest looking....
Hey Zack,

I've always like placing my maximas on the sand bed. Here is a picture of some that I had on the sandbed (also a few on rocks). I do however like placing smaller maximas on the rockwork.



Project Reef... Sallylightfoot was my role model with her great ricordias but those clams beat all. I only hope someday to merely walk in your shadow. LOL. Well maybe just a seal of approval when my tank is all settled in a couple of months!
BroskI oski!!!:eek2: :cool: :D that shot is ... the best clam shot ever !!!!
here is my humble bay:cool:

There were about 40-50 in that tank. I set up a smaller system since then and there are only about 20 or so clams in this one now. 2 croceas, the rest are maximas.
Project Reef said:
Hey Zack,

I've always like placing my maximas on the sand bed. Here is a picture of some that I had on the sandbed (also a few on rocks). I do however like placing smaller maximas on the rockwork.
You my friend have a sickness (a good sickness), very nice clams. Do you order most of your clams on the internet or do you get them locally?
OMG, an addiction to clams that went unchecked! :-)

Very nice! I like it a lot... I'll do a clam island one day... I have 3 clams for now, all seperated.
