Hello everyone i have two clams in my 75.One is a 5 or 6 inch crocea and the other is a 1.5 to 2 inch black maxima . They are under dual 175 watt 10k ushio bulbs right now and growing good.But in a few months im going to a 135 with 960 watts of vho. would this be enough for the two clams.I will be running a six bulb vho setup with 2 super attnic, 2 50/50 and 2 sun bulbs im going to have them in a 30 min cycle.witht he 2 attnics coming on first then 30 mins later the 50/50s coming on then 30mins later the 2 daylights coming on. So will this be enough for my two clams to live happy.
Please send me your info on this any would be greatfuly apprecated.
thanks daniel
Please send me your info on this any would be greatfuly apprecated.
thanks daniel