clam lighting

If you do a search you'll find that this question arises often-
440W VHO is probably ok for derasa,hippopus and some squamosa. The size of tank/depth are important.
Some keep maximas w/ PC lights with success. I would not try crocea without MH. Adam
Very well put ADS.

If you are gonna try a maxima or crocea, I would place it on top of a stable rock higher in the tank to the light. The growth of the clam from VHO's will be dramatically slower than MH's. You can keep these clams and they may live but may not be happy. I would get MH's if you haven't already bought them.
happy clams

happy clams

mh are the best light .but if you can put the clams in thr middle of the tank comfortabley if not leave them on the bottom as long as your tank is 18" or less deep. I've used vhos alot with good results but my clams only grew a half inch a month. I switched to mh 3 years ago and am now getting a inch on acros and a inch or more on my clams a month. I run two 175w 10kusios and four 03 vhos on my 58gal 8" off the water without a chiller. any questions feel free to email me.:beer: