Laura D
Premium Member
Hi all,
I have recently moved, and am temporarily houseing my lovely large derasa clam in a "hotel" tank until my display tank is up and running. The clam seems happy in it's temporary quarters, but I am concerned about it attatching to the glass bottom of the tank, as it has no substrate, just a scattering of sand. I have been keeping the clam on my DSB up until now(~3 years ).
I have looked at it through the bottom of the tank, and it does not have any byssal attachments to the tank bottom yet, but it will be a week or two before I can get it back to it's permanent home.
I would put a pile of sand in the tank for it to rest on, but of course that would cloud the tank up and I would rather leave well enough alone if possible.
I have recently moved, and am temporarily houseing my lovely large derasa clam in a "hotel" tank until my display tank is up and running. The clam seems happy in it's temporary quarters, but I am concerned about it attatching to the glass bottom of the tank, as it has no substrate, just a scattering of sand. I have been keeping the clam on my DSB up until now(~3 years ).
I have looked at it through the bottom of the tank, and it does not have any byssal attachments to the tank bottom yet, but it will be a week or two before I can get it back to it's permanent home.
I would put a pile of sand in the tank for it to rest on, but of course that would cloud the tank up and I would rather leave well enough alone if possible.