Tank Parameters. (Probably more than you want to know .. but)
Ph 8.2, Ca 400 (usually), Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, dKH 11
90 gal Main tank
- 2x 150w MH 15,000K
- 1 96W PC Actinic
- 1 96W PC 50/50
- CC substrate
- approx 125 lbs of Live Rock
- tank recently moved but most water saved
- add homegrown Phyto (4oz), ESV Calcium/Alk (usually alternating days)
- add Coral-Vite and Lugol's (once a week)
- add Strotium (2X week)
30 gal refugium/sump (24x7 lighting)
- Excalibur skinner in 5 gal sump at end
- 2inches of live sand, all kinds of critters
- growing mass of caulerpa
Now... What kind of clams can I support. I read alot/browsed alot but wanted to get opinions.
TIA, Stan
Ph 8.2, Ca 400 (usually), Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, dKH 11
90 gal Main tank
- 2x 150w MH 15,000K
- 1 96W PC Actinic
- 1 96W PC 50/50
- CC substrate
- approx 125 lbs of Live Rock
- tank recently moved but most water saved
- add homegrown Phyto (4oz), ESV Calcium/Alk (usually alternating days)
- add Coral-Vite and Lugol's (once a week)
- add Strotium (2X week)
30 gal refugium/sump (24x7 lighting)
- Excalibur skinner in 5 gal sump at end
- 2inches of live sand, all kinds of critters
- growing mass of caulerpa
Now... What kind of clams can I support. I read alot/browsed alot but wanted to get opinions.
TIA, Stan