clam or mussel?


New member
I have a clam or mussel, I am not really sure. I was wondering for the feeding if just putting phytoplankton would be enough or if I would have to add some type of solid food. I know not all clams and not all mussels eat the same foods, I was just wondering if phyto would be enoungh for the general mussels and clams.

clams do not eat solid food. They are filter feeders and require intense lighting , high calcium to grow and be healthy.

Take the time to read some good reference material on clams if you are going to keep them. I have some very educational links on my site regarding clams that I think you will find helpful or buy the book by Daniel Knop, Giant Clams.

I really doubt this a clam by its behavior and the shape.
I wondering if mussels were also filter feeders.