Clam Setups.


New member
Hi ive been really interested in purchasing some maxima clams but as always i need to look up on them quiet a bit. If anyone out there could list their setup for a maxima clam it would help alot. Also can they live off of VHO or do they need Metal H. ? How many Watts Per Gal? I have a 55 gal with 45 live rock and about 150 watts of Vho getting more soon

Thanks everyone

You will probably get a lot of different opinions on this subject. Here is what I think. VHO and Power Compact can be done,. but 150 watts of vho are not enough. Croceas, Maximas are the most light intense seeking clams there are. I have kept both under power compact lighting, but it was still 400 watts of light. I do reccomend Metal Halide lighting. In my holding tanks I use 175 watt 10 k metal halides. The clams are only about 6 inches under water, and lights are suspended about 10 inches above water, so the lights are close.

In my personal tank I use 400 watt halides. In my opinion you need more lighting than what you have. I do not belive in the watt per gallon rule. But 175, or 250 watt halides would give your clams what they need. Also when ordering your clams, try to get 3 inch or larger clams, as they have developed the need Zooxanthallae to process what they need to live and grow from our lighting. Smaller clams are not quite fully photosynthetic, and should be fed a good live food like DT's phytoplankton.

Feel free to email me if you have more questions.

Thanks Rob. Its helpful info! So im leaning towards a 250 over my 55 gal tub. but how high would i put it. i also have a glass top. Thanks agian
