clam size...


Active member
At what size do clams start getting most of their nutrition from zooxathle alage?

also, does the type of clam make a differece? what type of clam(s) do you think would be best for my system? (specs in signature)


ps my PH is 8.3-8.4

Is this okay? I have heard that clams like low PH.
I always like a 3" or larger speciman. Your lighting will be fine for any species. Squamosa and Derasa clams are a little easier to keep, but with good water parameters, like 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and a ph of 8.0 to 8.2 you should be fine with any species. I would avoid Gigas as it will grow way to large for almost everyone's tanks. Dt's is still a good idea for both your clam, and your tank as food. Also make sure that you do not stock agressive fish that may nip at your clams, like Angels and Butterflies that are generally not considered reef safe. It is a fine line, between success and failure, best of luck, Rob
thanks! that i just what i wanted to hear! :D I posted before i upgraded my PC's to MH's and everybody said "I'm sure this isn't what you want to hear...but...:)

My PH is a little high, I read places that they liked high PH, and Ive read they like low PH, which is it? Does it matter?

Thanks SO much
I have to agree, that stability is very important if you are going to keep Tridacna clams.

For the beginner, 3" is the best choice and I have found that the T. derasa seems to be the hardiest. IME.

I think 3" is a good clam size, even do my first clam was (actually is) a 1" derasa, it is now about 3" and it was under pcÃ"šÃ‚´s, now I upgraded to 250 MHÃ"šÃ‚´s and is doing even better.
I think what people are saying is 3" is a good starting size. Most clams this size are able to fend for themselves with photosynthesis, to provide themselves with food and energy. By all means get a larger one, but it will grow so the 3" to 4" is your best value, in my opinion. Best of luck, just stay 3" or larger for best chances. Rob
kk, thanks


ps I have all these baby snails (or adults of a smaller species) that are covering almost everything in my tank. Will these hurt my clams?
ReefEze said:
ps I have all these baby snails (or adults of a smaller species) that are covering almost everything in my tank. Will these hurt my clams?

Hard to say without knowing what species of snail we're talking about.
I dont know. I asked Dr. Ron and he said that he couldn't tell without a sepcimen. There herbavorouse.
