Clamergency - Aiptasia INSIDE


Premium Member
I hope someone can help me. I have a large Derasa clam that needs urgent care. An aiptasia has managed to get inside the shell, and Chowder has closed up and won't open. It's been about 3 days. I'm afraid he is going to die. I tried toothbrushing and picking with a pointy plastic object to get the aiptasia out. The problem now is that the clam is closed. Is it safe for me to open him and try again? I don't want to damage him. Poor Chowder, I feel so bad for him. He really has character and I don't want to lose him.
Thanks for your suggestions!


May I just stress how desperate my clam is...

My sister just sent him an e-greeting "To: Chowder - You better live, you crazy clam". He is beloved. I must save him! He has never closed up like this in the 2 years I've had him. :(

Thanks again.
clam thought

clam thought

Hi, got some of your gold/blk. xenia at the frag meet last night. Thanks, it's very nice.
This may not be too useful but I borrowed a syringe from a friend of mine-diabetic, not junkie- and I've been using it to inject aiptasia w/ supersaline sol. to remove them from certain show pieces I've got. Since I think I'm in your area you're welcome to stop by and pick it up if you think your derasa will allow you to get at the anemone.
I am also developing a very bad attitude towards aiptasia and so far the pep shrimp and raccoon aren't helping. I don't know if I'm willing to invest in the Berghia solution yet but eventually I'll have to go there. Let me know if you want to grab the syringe-I'll be home tonight and I'm by Mills college in Oakland.
you can call me at work till 4pm -510-845-9033
or at home after 6pm-510-536-4183
help is coming!

help is coming!

Just called Gusty who I gather is your neighbor. He has the same syringe I do and will be visiting you tomorrow or tonight. Hang on Chowder!-Jim
Thanks Jim!

Thanks Jim!

Hi Jim,
Thanks for the suggestion. Supersaline solution sounds like a good solution, not quite as caustic as kalk maybe, and I won't have to risk forcing the clam open. Good call. Thanks for the syringe offer too. Yup, Gusty is right next door, so I'll borrow his. Reefers sharing needles, sounds bad!!!

Also, I don't think the xenia was mine this time, but glad that you got some! I love xenia, it's one of my favorite corals.

Thanks again and have a nice holiday!
