Clams and LPS


Here's a quick question that i hope I can get an answer to. (basically, I'm too lazy to read and find out myself) but that's another story.

I recently placed a Crocea clam in my tank, and it's been rubbing up against a Large Frogspawn Is it bad for the clam to be touching the LPS coral? I know corals sting each other... but is the frog stinging my new clam?

Neither one seems to be affected by each other.

thanks in advance-
I had the same thoughts about one of my Crocea's that Xenia was pulsing against.
I kept an eye on the mantle where contact is made.
It has been several weeks now and the mantle still has the same color and the clam extends fully.
I am guessing that as long as there are no visual changes everything is ok.

But if you want total peace of mind you could always move them a little further apart if that is possible.