Clams and mushrooms


Premium Member
I have some mushrooms that are getting pretty close to one of my clams. Should I move the mushrooms or will the clam be ok? I know mushrooms are bad with sps but not to sure about clams.
Its a Dersa. It's about 4-5 inches . The mushrooms are growing near where the clam is attached to the rock. Its no where as nice as your clams:D
I must say that the growth on the clam sure does look good... I would have to guess it is about 1/4" at least.:)

Good Job:D
I'm there. I'll even help you tank them out of the boxes if I have too :bounce2:

I would love to see the next shipment you get in.... Call me
Well back to the question at hand :thumbsup: .
I wouldn't worry too much, according to Daniel Knop, clams are safe from stings and I have an elegance that has been expanding slightly over my squamosa clam for over a month without any problem.