clams and PC lights


New member
Are there any clams that can be kept happily under PC lights (2 65wt
1/2 actinic 1/2daylight bulbs in a 55 gallon) or do they all need the stronger lighting like MH?
Yes it can be done... but wont be colorful as with MH...... I'm planning to have some also under my pc/vho lightning and here it's what I've found on some website.....

Common Name: Pohnpei Derasa Clam
Latin Name: Tridacna derasa

They are the least light demanding clam, and prefer to be placed on your aquarium substrate. VHO/PC lighting is acceptable for keeping Derasa clams,


Common Name: Maxima Giant Clam
Latin Name: Tridacna maxima

Maxima clams should be on a rocky surface to which they will attach. If running VHO/PC lights, place your clam
as close to the surface as possible.
Just2bad, have you looked into the best place for prices on clams in Quebec? I'm in Montreal, and they are all quite pricey from what I've seen at the different LFS, and I want some after I switch to MH in July.
toutouche : yes but not in lfs... I've looked in online store,
jlaquatics have a good price something around 35$can for a 2" clam....
just2bad: thanks for the info. One of my LFS keeps all their clams under the same light that I have, but they keep them up high next to the light. They seem to be doing ok but who knows how long they stay in the store tank so I just wanted to be sure. Let me know how your clams do when you get them. Thanks again!



Be careful. Yes there are clams that can be kept under PC lights but you don't have enough. I believe squamosa's require the least light, not the deresa, but I'm not 100% positive. Please post this question in the clam forum and you'll get good info. Two 65W PC's in a 55G will not even give the clam a chance.
I have a 90 gal tank with a 135w Smarlite and 2 - 175w MH. I would love to have a Tridacna maxima. Is this enough light? I would probably put it on the substrate. Does it need a good current flow? Is there a better choice. My tank has been set up since Feb. and all parameters are 0, calc is 450, KH 9.0.
Squid has an excellent idea, I think you will find better info on clams in the correct forum so, I will move it there for you.
I would agree with Squidman that the T. Squamosa requires less light then the derasa but all do better under MH, not to say that you can't keep them under your lighting but would upgrade if you plan on keeping more of them.\

bmcq, if I remember correctly that a 90 gal is 24" deep. At that depth your 175s will have a hard time penetrating 24" plus the distance from the lights to the tank. You might consider a squamosa or if you get a maxima I would place it high in your tank once it has been acclimated well. IMO & IME.

I would try a small Squamosa. From everything I've read, they are the least light demanding. I have a 2" Squamosa who has added one full set of "scale" to his shell since I bought him a couple of months ago. The color is also very bright. My PC's are smartlites. You can see my tank specs under my signature. When the clam gets larger, and demands more light, it may fade in color. If it starts to, it's time for you to upgrade your lighting. Make sure to buy phytoplankton for the little guy since at the smaller size, light is not nearly as much of an issue as the proper food.
