Clams huffing and puffing


Premium Member
After getting a Squasoma for my tank..i have decided to feed it using Liquid life USA..well anyways..i put some in a cup of water and used a acrylic tube and place it into the tank covering the clams..i then proceeded to feed the clams, poouring the good stuff into the tube..the clams started to close and puffing away..did i put too much food for one sitting? the clam just puffed a few times and then closed up..i got alittle scared so just pulled the tube and let the flowing water and the clam is fine now..but i was wondering is that normal?? what is that a sign of? is it a sigh of me actually clogging the their fiters with plankton..if so how much should i use ? anyways any help is better than none..thank eh

I'm not familiar with "Liquid Life USA", but if it isn't phytoplankton then your choking your clam. Chances are you're clogging it's gills and it's trying to clear them. Not healthy for the clam either. I recommend switching to DT's phytoplankton and adding it to the water column rather than trying to spot feed.
BioPlankton put out by LiquidLife USA is the samething as DT's but don't think it is LIVE as advertised by DT's . Then again I am not sure that it is alive as I haven't put it under a microscope,other than use it in one tank and DT's in another tank. Haven't seem any difference between them.
