Clams in 10g?


New member
I've heard that skimmer should be used w/clams. Was looking at keeping either a maxima or crocea.
I have a 10g and do weekly water changes. Would a HOB with floss be good enough to filter out most of debris for the clam?

my lighting is 150W MH DE 10000K + 32W PC actinics which currently sits 3" above the water line, the tank is about 12" deep. I'm going to move the lights up 3" more inches because some of my zoos don't seem too happy under the lights.
I don't have a sump or fudge and do not have the space to add them:(

Also with my current lighting would the crocea or maxim be ok on the bottom of tank? If not I have a lot of vacancy up on the rocks.

Can some post a pic of a healthy byssal organ vs a torn/damaged one. Couldnt really find a picture of it on the net.
I think you would have to keep all clams on the sandbed....:p

That lighting is hell of crazy......

Good luck, seems like you're set.
Thanks people.
I'm almost set. My CA is below par and I just started to dose b-ionic. So hopefully by end of month my CA should be at the proper level.

If anyone has a pic or a link to a pic of what a healthy byssal organ vs. a damaged one would be great. Having trouble finding pic on the net. Want to pic out the healthiest clam