clams,snails,star fish,anenomies???

can they all live together
im fowlr but ive upped my lighting (hamilton protostar) and would like to drop a few clams in.
ive got 2 serpent stars/conch/chocolate chip star/banded shrimp and lots of fish.
i hate to kill things due to lack of knowledge.
That chocolate chip has to go.. They aren't even reef-safe...

Other than that it should be all good do you have the requirements for a clam? What kind of lighting do you have ( wattage)? How big of a tank? Do you drip Kalkwasser, or have a calc reactor?

Hope to help you ASAP.


hey lebowski
tks for reply
i just ordered a H.T. protostar 3x 250w 10000k hqi and 6x 96w actinic blue compact fluoresent thinking i can drop anything in the tank.(no corals at least not yet)
tank is 150gal no additives as i said fish /annenomies/stars/snails/shrimp/conches/ all live happy together but i want to add a clam
can i??