Clamsdirect very close to CA fires


New member
A note on the website states that Barry closed down due to the fires being within 7 miles of him. I makes these things more real when someone you know may loose everything they own because it.

If anyone has more info on how Barry made out I'd appreciate it if you'd post. TIA.
lebowski said:

Barry's clams and his family are in my prayers.

I have to say the same thing. Barry and I have exchanged several emails over the past year or so, and have a good relationship. I hope his family is safe and sound during this crisis. My thoughts and prayers are with him also.

Barry is a great guy whom I am fortunate to call my firned. My prayers are with him and his family as well.
Found this quote from Barry on his fourm dated Oct28 7am

San Diego finally got some help from other states to fight these fires.

We had to leave yesterday and stayed at a hotel as we could not breath will all the ash and smoke. At least we were able to come back to our home as many had nothing to come back to. The winds have turn the first away from us for now so we will have to just wait it out.

Thanks for our the prayer and thoughts.
Although I don't know Barry, I am a career firefighter.I have seen too many times the heartbreak of people who have lost their homes or are in danger of.I feel for him and hope the best for him and everyone else out there in harms way.
I got an email from him this morning. He had to leave for one day (fire came 5 miles from his home) but was able to go home yesterday. For now the winds have shifted away from his home but you never know. It looks good though. :)
I live in San Diego and the fires did not come close to Barry's. He is located in the middle of a sub-burb and many houses would have to go up before he would have been treatened. On the not so positive many people lost their houses in many different parts of the city including two in my family. All my prayers to those who lost thier homes and loved ones.
