Cleaning back of tank

Sal Di Lapi

Premium Member
In order to clean the algae off the back of my tank i have to stand on a latter and try and scrape it off with the usual cleaningtools u see in any catalog but they simply dont do the job very well. Is there anything i could use to make this easier to do?
I dont clean the back of my tank. I want coraline to cover it.

You could get a mag float with a razor attached to it and the dry side of it attach a dowel to it. possible idea.

good luck!

I don't clean mine either. My wife doesn't really care about the tank, it sits in my office in the basement, so I get to see it a lot, but not her. She knows nothing about aquariums/fishkeeping, other than she doesn't want the noise in the living room. So, today she was in my office for a bit, and came up to me and said "What's that cool looking stuff on the back of the tank? I like it! How did you get it there, is it a background?". So, chalk up another one for liking the coraline on the back of the tank! :)
Your thread makes me curious about the back of my fairly new (2 months) tank. It is growing green stuff that I assume is algae on the back. Is this a pre-cursor to the coralline or is it just something I need to get off?
I don't clean the back of my tank either. Why work when you can have snails, crabs, urchines and shimp do the cleaning?
See the purple stuff covering the naturally white PVC pipe on the right, and the purple stuff coating the overflow box at the top left? That's corallline, my friend!

Took this picture yesterday of my 29 gallon reef, coraline over quite a bit of the back wall...
