Clearing out Softies- P.U. @ Friday's meeting


New member
I need to clean up my sandbed and these things have been sitting around getting in the way...

Some zoos, Palythoa, Nephthea and two kinds of Sinularia-

Closer shot of the zoos, two kinds of Pink Palys and Nephthea-


2 rocks of Firecrackers (15-20 polyps ea.)- $15 per, and some wannabe PPE knockoffs (look better in person)

Nice Ricordea rock 20+ shrooms- $25

If I didn't post a price, make an offer. I need to clean up the clutter.
Hi Rich,

I'd like to buy 1 rock of the fire crackers and the PPE knock-offs. Can pick up at the next meeting.
Let me get this strait........ There is "Name brand" coral, and "Bonny Hubbord" brands of coral? Are these REAL Rolex or not Rich...... :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941587#post6941587 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robertloop
Let me get this strait........ There is "Name brand" coral, and "Bonny Hubbord" brands of coral? Are these REAL Rolex or not Rich...... :D


But seriously I like the stuff you got in the first pic, Id like to put claim on the purple with green mouths between the nepthea and cabbage. Or are those the nockoffs? How much for those and the nepthea?Can shoot me a pm if youd like.

R33f - PM'd on the Ric Rock
TCC - Firecrackers and the PPE knock-offs $25 total
Minh - I have something for you (not pictured) ;)
firefox743 - PM'd about the ones you requested
Justin - Fat branches of Nephthea $10 ea., and 2nd in line for the purp/green mouths in pic #2
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941587#post6941587 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robertloop
Let me get this strait........ There is "Name brand" coral, and "Bonny Hubbord" brands of coral? Are these REAL Rolex or not Rich...... :D

Well Robert, That "Superman Montipora" I picked up from tfp may not have the paperwork on its origin, but it was well worth it! :D Actually I think it looks better (color and size) than some of those name-brands I've seen. For those that need them, I can make up some Authentication Certificates on Microsoft Publisher if you'd like. It helps for resale value, like using genuine GM parts, or buying a Certified Pre-owned Lexus. ;)
R33f - Ric Rock sold
TCC - Firecrackers and the PPE knock-offs $25 total
Minh - I have something for you (not pictured)
firefox743 - dark pink palys pic#1, greenish yellow zoos pic#3, cabbage coral pic#1, yellow eye pink zoos in pic#2
Justin - Fat branches of Nephthea $10 ea.

Will post some updated pics after work and add some stuff for those that got in late...

Herman & Justin, will PM you after I revise the pics...
R33f - Ricordea Rock $25 (Your PM box is full-O.St. on Thursday?)
TCC - Firecrackers and the PPE knock-offs $25
firefox743 - dark pink palys pic#1, greenish yellow zoos pic#3, cabbage coral pic#1, yellow eye pink zoos in pic#2 $45
Justin - Nephthea $10 branch
Minh - I have something for you (not pictured)

Still have a couple Nephthea & Sinularia in prev. Pics

Yellow Eye Greenies, Firecrackers & Metalic Pinks $15 ea.

Fiji Pom Pom Xenia: $5/stalk

Green Tonga Shrooms (5-6 polyps) $25

Close ups of the pinks from top pic:

$25 (slow growing Sea Mat)

Rich, that green one is a nephthea. One of my favorite corals, I got it from you before you moved. Even with the SPS and LPS in my tank I would have to say it was my showpiece due to it's size, color, and movement in the flow. Unfortunately I lost about 3/4 of the large colony to bacteria when I first started removing my sandbed.
Jacob, if you ever need any more of the Nephthea, let me know. I have two types (one is super neon green and the other is 'just green'). The "just green" one came from Rob Toonen before he moved to Hawaii. And I have that GIGANTIC one that looks like Sinularia...

Herman, YGPM
I'm good, but thanks :) I think I must have the super neon green one (much more green than your pic above, kind of tennis ball colored). Even though I lost most of it I saved a couple of good sized 'frags' and also made a lot of small frags that got passed on.