Clueless about clams


Premium Member
Ok, I admit it. I know almost nothing about clams. I've just never been that interested in them. However, since I've been the caretaker of one for over 6 months (I have a feeling I've inherited it), I figure I'd better do some research.

If someone could point me the right direction in getting an ID or can ID this clam, I'd appreciate it.

Also, I've never seen anything about water flow and clams. Do they mind a current?

Thanks in advance.

<CENTER><TABLE> <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 4><CENTER><IMG SRC=></CENTER></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 4><B>SZ020421_1304_69-cpcba</B></TD> </TR> </TABLE><TABLE CELLSPACING=20><TR> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>320x240 (16.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>640x480 (43.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>800x600 (81.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=> (162.0K)</A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <TABLE><TR><td align=center><a TARGET=_blank HREF=><img SRC= border=0></a></td> </tr></TABLE></CENTER>
Thanks for the info John. Good article.

I've had this one under my VHO's for about 8 months now. I have it as high as I can get it as I knew lighting was an issue with them. It seems to be doing well, the blue coloration has gotten brighter (It was more of a greyish blue when it first went in the tank). It seems to have grown quite a bit, although I don't know what fast growth is for a clam. It's added 4 or 5 more "ridges" (don't know the correct term) since then, and grown from about 3" long to 4" long.
gregt said:
It seems to have grown quite a bit, although I don't know what fast growth is for a clam. It's added 4 or 5 more "ridges" (don't know the correct term) since then, and grown from about 3" long to 4" long.

Sounds like good growth to me.
I believe it's a T. squamosa. The reason being the deep scutes in the photo and the good coloration under VHO's.

PS: Great picture and coloration.
Thanks Kevin,

I'm still not happy with the picture. It's in a difficult place in the tank to photograph.

Scutes, that's the term I was looking for.

Any way to be sure on species, or is this another situation like Acropora?
On T. maxima the inhalent siphon has very fine tentacles while on the T. squamosa they are large and numerous. If you look on my site you can just make them out on my T. squamosa. In the T. maxima picture they are unseen as they are so fine. Also notice the mantle shape difference. Along with the shell shape.

Hi Greg, haven't seen you lately.

The shell looks like a Squamosa but the coloration look like a maxima. You may have a hybred :) Haven't seen coloration and pattern like that on a T. Squamosa. The distance between the rows are wide.

I agree with JohnL, it is a T. maxima. T. squamosa's shell has a very symetrical shape, where T. maxima is a bit off center.
I dunno guys. It seems to defy definite ID, at least for me. Half of what I've read of each matches perfectly. :) I'm still not convinced either way, but I've learned a lot already.
It may very well be a hybrid as Barry suggests because it seems to have more bumps on the mantle than T. squamosa typically does. T. squamosa typically has just a symmetrical row of eye spots along the edge and T. maxima often has many bumps over the mantle (although not always). Does it have tentacles on the inhalant siphon? The great coloration under VHO's would fit T. squamosa better.

Am I correct in assuming the the inhalant siphon is the larger and more oblong and the exhalant is the smaller circular?

If so, the inhalant is pictured above although not clearly. There are tentacles along the fringes of that siphon.
gregt said:
Am I correct in assuming the the inhalant siphon is the larger and more oblong and the exhalant is the smaller circular?

Yes, you are :) I think the shell pattern is clearly that of a T. maxima.